How to Create a Personality Quiz

  1. Log in to your SplatVidz account.
  2. Go to the Create Content section.
  3. Select Personality Quiz.
  4. Enter a Title and a brief Description.
  5. Add questions, each with multiple answer options.
  6. Create possible personality outcomes (e.g., “The Adventurer,” “The Thinker”).
  7. Map each answer choice to a specific outcome.
  8. Preview your quiz to check for errors.
  9. Click Publish to make the quiz live.

How to Create a Trivia Quiz

  1. Navigate to the Create Content section.
  2. Choose Trivia Quiz.
  3. Input a Title and an engaging Description.
  4. Add multiple-choice questions with a correct answer for each.
  5. Optionally, include explanations for each correct answer.
  6. Organize the order of the questions.
  7. Test the quiz for accuracy.
  8. Hit Publish to share it.

How to Create a Poll

  1. Open the Create Content section.
  2. Select Poll.
  3. Write a clear and concise Question.
  4. Add multiple answer options for users to select from.
  5. Configure poll settings (e.g., allow multiple responses or set an end date).
  6. Preview your poll to ensure everything is accurate.
  7. Click Publish.

How to Create a Story

  1. Log in and go to Create Content.
  2. Select Story from the content options.
  3. Enter a Title and your story content.
  4. Add images or videos to enhance the narrative.
  5. Use formatting tools to structure the story (e.g., headings, paragraphs).
  6. Proofread your content.
  7. Click Publish.

How to Create a List

  1. Go to the Create Content section.
  2. Choose List.
  3. Input a Title and an introductory paragraph.
  4. Add list items, each with a description and optional media (e.g., images or videos).
  5. Organize the order of items.
  6. Review your list and make edits if necessary.
  7. Publish the list when ready.

How to Create a Countdown

  1. Navigate to the Create Content area.
  2. Select Countdown.
  3. Enter a Title and an introduction to explain the countdown theme.
  4. Add items in descending order (from least to most important).
  5. Include descriptions and media for each item.
  6. Check the order and preview your countdown.
  7. Publish the countdown.

How to Create an Open List

  1. Go to the Create Content section.
  2. Choose Open List.
  3. Add a Title and a brief explanation of the list topic.
  4. Input initial items to start the list.
  5. Enable user submissions to allow audience contributions.
  6. Publish the list and monitor user-generated content.

How to Create a Ranked List

  1. Log in and open Create Content.
  2. Select Ranked List.
  3. Provide a Title and an introduction explaining the ranking criteria.
  4. Add items with descriptions and images or videos.
  5. Enable voting so users can rank items.
  6. Organize the list as needed and preview it.
  7. Publish the list.

How to Create a Meme

  1. Navigate to the Create Content section.
  2. Select Meme.
  3. Upload an image to use as the meme template.
  4. Add top and bottom text or captions.
  5. Customize font size and color as needed.
  6. Preview your meme to ensure it looks good.
  7. Click Publish.

How to Upload a Video

  1. Go to Create Content and select Video.
  2. Upload your video file (ensure it meets format and size requirements).
  3. Add a Title, Description, and relevant tags.
  4. Optionally, select a thumbnail for your video.
  5. Preview the video to confirm quality.
  6. Publish the video.

How to Upload an Audio File

  1. Access the Create Content section.
  2. Choose Audio.
  3. Upload your audio file.
  4. Provide a Title, Description, and appropriate tags.
  5. Preview the audio to confirm proper playback.
  6. Publish the audio file.

How to Upload an Image

  1. Open the Create Content section.
  2. Select Image.
  3. Upload your image file.
  4. Add a Title and optional description or tags.
  5. Preview the image to ensure quality.
  6. Publish the image.

How to Share a GIF

  1. Log in and navigate to Create Content.
  2. Choose GIF.
  3. Upload your GIF file.
  4. Provide a Title and optional description or tags.
  5. Preview the GIF to check for smooth playback.
  6. Click Publish.
Choose A Format
Personality quiz
Series of questions that intends to reveal something about the personality
Trivia quiz
Series of questions with right and wrong answers that intends to check knowledge
Voting to make decisions or determine opinions
Formatted Text with Embeds and Visuals
The Classic Internet Listicles
The Classic Internet Countdowns
Open List
Submit your own item and vote up for the best submission
Ranked List
Upvote or downvote to decide the best list item
Upload your own images to make custom memes
Youtube and Vimeo Embeds
Soundcloud or Mixcloud Embeds
Photo or GIF
GIF format